Donation Request
Request for Sponsorship
A relationship you can bank on.
AurGroup Credit Union is more than a financial institution. We are your neighbors, friends, and family. We work and live in the same communities as you. So, we like to give back when we can.
AurGroup focuses its support on events and organizations that have the greatest impact on the community overall. To help streamline the process and ensure we support organizations that align with our priorities, an application is required for consideration.
Our focus will be on supporting organizations or events that have a positive impact relating to the following categories:
Financial Services
Social Justice
Animal Care
Community Support
Before proceeding, make sure your request aligns with one of our categories previously listed. Please submit the completed application for consideration.
Share the mission statement of your organization. If the request is for a specific event, please provide details.
What are the sponsorship levels, and what benefits do you gain with each level.
How will the funds be used?
When does the event take place?
Who is the target audience? How will our sponsorship positively impact the community? How many people will it reach?
Are you or the organization a member of AurGroup Credit Union? Yes / No
Which area of impact does your event or organization meet? You may select as many as applicable.
Financial Services
Social Justice
Animal Care
Community Support
Additional comments and/or supporting information:
Please attach any promotional materials regarding your organization or event.